About event



Round table on Development of tourism in communities and hotel tax introduction

About event

Development of tourism at the national and community level in Armenia is one of the main priorities. Tools for promoting economic, particularly tourism development, and creating a favorable environment for local economies are limited to local self-governance bodies. Fiscal feedback tools are also lacking in the business environment.

On September 7, 2017, the Republican Council of the Union of Communities of Armenia adopted a message addressed to the Government of Armenia, which also calls for: "Enhance the community's financial capacities, particularly through the use of hotel tax rates and income tax, as a result of which communities can become champions for economic development."

The use of hotel tax is also a fair distribution of resources between public bodies as a result of decentralization.

The purpose of the round table:

  • Discussing the use of hotel tax with the involvement of interested actors.
  • Ensure the dialogue and cooperation between the representatives of communities, the state, the tourism industry. Create a dialogue between the main players in the dialogue platform.
  • The position of the Communities and Communities Union of Armenia to voice and make available to all partners.