Webinar for regions: Youth Engagement in the Local Self-Governance
30 05 2020 31 03 2020
On May 30/31 there will be held a webinar for the regions called '' Webinar for regions: Youth Engagement in the Local Self-Governance''
There also will be held an online meeting with a representative of Local Self Government system.
The webinar will be held in the framework of the Project “V4 for Youth Engagement in the Local Self-Governance” by cooperation with Union of Communities of Armenia. The project is dedicated to strengthening young civic activists on engagement with local self-governance, as well as raising awareness among participants on the European Union, Council of Europe, Eastern Partnership, Visegrad 4 format.
The project is implemented by “Free Citizen” Civic Initiatives Support Center. The partners of the project are GLOBSEC (Slovakia), SALTO Youth Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource (Poland), AGORA CE (Czech Republic), Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis (Hungary), Union of Communities of Armenia (Armenia).