“The international crisis has had strong local effects and local solutions must be found,” says Irish Minister Peter Burke

“The international crisis has had strong local effects and local solutions must be found,” says Irish Minister Peter Burke


“Today we enter the eighth month of war in Ukraine, of war in Europe, war on our shared continent. This international crisis has strong local repercussions. Local solutions must be found” said the Irish Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, Peter Burke, addressing the 43rd Congress Session on behalf of the Irish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, on 25 October 2022.

The Minister praised the "key role of the Congress in helping the cities and regions of Ukraine suffering the hardships of war". Mentioning the plan to hold a 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the 46 member states of the Council of Europe, supported by the Irish Presidency, he underlined the substantial contribution of the Congress to the work of the High-Level Reflection Group set up to make recommendations on the future of the Council of Europe.

"The work of the Congress has also been a key element of our Presidency's priorities which have focused on the promotion of human rights, participatory democracy, youth engagement and inclusion," he added, emphasizing the need to involve the younger generations in the democratic processes that affect their present and their future.

Human rights and environmental issues were also high on the Irish Presidency's agenda for which equal access to a healthy environment in all Member States is fundamental, said the Minister, mentioning the work undertaken by the Council of Europe and the Congress with a view to drawing up a legal instrument.

More: https://www.coe.int/en/web/congress/-/-the-international-crisis-has-had-strong-local-effects-and-local-solutions-must-be-found-says-irish-minister-peter-burke


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