The attaché for decentralized cooperation and civil society of the French Embassy in Armenia visited the Union of Communities of Armenia

The attaché for decentralized cooperation and civil society of the French Embassy in Armenia visited the Union of Communities of Armenia


On February 27 the attaché for decentralized cooperation and civil society of the French Embassy in Armenia Marie Lorgeoux visited the Union of Communities of Armenia. 

The purpose of Marie Lorgeoux`s visit is to get information about the issues of Armenian-French decentralized cooperation, to get acquainted with the situation, to discuss issues related to the new decentralized cooperation between the Armenian and French communities. President of the Union of Communities of Armenia Emin Yeritsyan presented the recent changes in the local self government sector at the meeting with Marie Lorgeoux. Emin Yeritsyan emphasized that there is a great interest in cooperation with French partners from the part of RA communities. As a result of the community unification process, the formation of larger communities will contribute to the further strengthening of the Armenian-French decentralized cooperation. Emin Yeritsyan also highlighted the importance of the cooperation of the Armenian and French communities in the field of fundraising. He emphasized the development of the capacities of the staffs of the newly enlarged communities, and ttold that mutual visits will contribute to it. Emin Yeritsyan stated that the Armenian-French decentralized cooperation has a unique weight and is on a high level, Emin Yeritsyan also emphasized the expansion of that cooperation. Marie Lorgeoux informed that 6 Armenian communities have already expressed their desire to start decentralized cooperation with French partners and she asked the Union of Communities of Armenia for support in organizing this process.

The activity of the "France" group of the Union of Communities of Armenia operating within the framework of Armenian-French decentralized cooperation was also highlighted, which is an important platform for promoting this cooperation.





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